My battle with fibromyalgia is a roller coaster. I can have all of the oils in the world, all of the medicines & alternative therapies, but it feels like it is never ending. If you are new to your diagnosis, please do your research about the illness. Don't believe just anybody claiming there is a cure. I was diagnosed back in 2006 and I am still skeptic about doctors claiming they have a cure. Maybe it's just me. This post is obviously my opinion and I have no scientific data to back it up. Reading and watching youtube videos throughout the years have only made me more skeptic.
I can tell you from my point of view only. I try to watch what I eat because too much dairy and gluten make my symptoms worse. Sometimes I do not have an appetite. I am researching my way to a more organic and natural lifestyle to help my quality of life. I am writing this post as nauseous as I am, and it's days like this that I hate dealing with it. I can hear every sound as if it was being exaggerated. I can see every light as if it was bright as the sun. My mom is making chicken soup and I can hear every cut and chop, every shuffle of her shoes on the floor. To hear every sound magnified is one of the worst things. There are no words to describe it, even though I tried my hardest above.
I took two peppermint beads earlier for nausea hoping it would settle down. Now plan B is to eat soup. I am tired of medicines and doctors telling me what I SHOULD be taking to help my fibro. I am tired of acting like a guinea pig and being prescribed medicine after medicine. I want to empower myself.
My first advice to anyone dealing with a chronic illness is to accept it as it is in the beginning. Knowing that doctors actually are just PRACTICING medicine. Sometimes people who know we are sick will forget we are sick. We will have good days and bad days. There will be inner dialogue you will engage in; a battle within. "I am okay, I can work." then before you know it you don't feel so good one day and you have a bad flare for a few weeks.
I know it's hard, trust me. You are preaching to the choir. As one with chronic illness, you need to focus on the positives. If you think there are no positives because you hurt daily, can't think and want to sleep all of the time... there are positives. All you have to do is look at the sky. There is a positive, you just have to open your eyes and step to a different tune.
You will have to take a holistic approach to your illness. This is where I am today. Please feel free to message me if you need someone to talk to. Look me up on facebook or instagram. I didn't start this blog for myself but for you too. Please share my blog with your friends who suffer from chronic illness; fibro, CFS, and other chronic illnesses.
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