Monday, January 19, 2015

Geranium Uses and Benefits

One day I used Geranium after I prepared sample vials to send to friends. As I was preparing the samples, I pushed TOO hard and it broke right there in front of me. oiler fail. *sad face* 

I immediately open my reference book to see how to minimize bleeding and Geranium was listed. I am hovered over the sink and let one small drop fall onto my bleeding gash. What do ya know! It stopped. I cleaned it up and then sprayed some owie blend and let it dry. I then bandaged myself up! So yes, this is my testimonial to minimize bleeding for a small cut or gash. 

Obviously do not pour the oil endlessly onto your wound and make sure you do not need stitches. If you have a small cut or scrape that is bleeding, this is perfect. If you have a gash that is too much to handle... see your local hospital or urgency care.

Some of the ways you can use Geranium:
· Apply a few drops to your shampoo or conditioner bottle, or make your own deep hair        conditioner
·  Diffuse aromatically to help relieve occasional stress and tension
·  Add a drop to your moisturizer to help balance oil production
·  Dilute with FCO to minimize skin sensitivity
·  Use as a calming agent if applied topically or used aromatically

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
Please dilute appropriately when using essential oils.

Updated 7/10/15

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