Monday, January 5, 2015

My Diffuser Blends

There is not a top ten or top 20 diffuser blends, it's all in your preference and why you are diffusing! I love diffusing essential oils for a couple of reasons. If members of the household are not feeling well, I have a blend. If I want to wake up and start my day feeling alert and focused, I have a blend. If I want to relax and promote sleep, I have a blend! The list goes on.
You just have to experiment and go from there. Everyone reacts differently to essential oils. Do your own thing!

Diffusing essential oils is an additional method to receiving the benefits of the essential oils you diffuse. As you may know, essential oils are released through into the air through the vapor. The vapors can influence mood, emotions, relaxation, etc...I use the Spa Vapor the most. The Spa Vapor 2.0 is recently new, check it out here!

Need a pick me up? Frankincense, Wild orange & Peppermint.
This blend makes me feel more focused and alert. Yes, I still drink some coffee but diffusing these oils helps me focus and put my thoughts in some kind of order. I also use the focus blend on my feet. I use frankincense and wild orange because they are great for promoting overall health and smell great!

Are you not feeling well? Melaleuca, Protective Blend and Wild orange.
Melaleuca essential oil is great for an environment with ongoing threats to our bodies. I use it because one of its properties is anti-bacterial ad it promotes cleansing and purity. I use the protective blend to protect my body from environmental threats. Wild orange because it smells great!

Put moods in check: Grounding Blend, Calming Blend and Frankincense.
Grounding blend is so awesome at making me chill out. If the moods in the house are everywhere, this is what I turn too. The calming blend and the grounding blend are great for anxious minds too. Frankincense is a great calming essential oil too! 

Need a good night’s rest? Vetiver and Lavender
Vetiver is super relaxing and calming. I sometimes rotate essential oils in my blends for diffusers and roller bottles. For instance, I will use Lavender and calming blend, Lavender and grounding blend. Some people find Bergamot or R. Chamomile promote a good nights rest.

At the end of the day, you may have read several opinions on diffuser blends but it's mostly preference and what your body reacts to the most.
Here's a tip: If you are diffusing essential oils, you can also apply them topically on your feet, wrists, behind the ears or back of the neck. Please make sure you test for sensitivity.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
Please dilute appropriately when using essential oils.

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